Other operations

Other operations consist of activities outside the three operating segments, as well as industrial holdings, non-core businesses and strategic group level investments. 
Page last updated: 05 Mar 2025

Such business development, Corporate Management expenses and other extraordinary costs not part of business area performance assessment that are not allocated to the business areas are also reported under Other operations. Sales of Other operations consist of sales of electricity to the Group’s production facilities in Finland and in Sweden, nickel procured under the Group’s sourcing contract, sales of non-core businesses and internal services. The share of other operations of external sales was 0% in 2024.

Other operations also used to include our Long Products business, after we announced first the divestment of the majority of the business and then the remaining Long Products operations in Sweden. Closing both transactions in 2023, Outokumpu successfully exited the Long Products business as it was considered non-core. The company now focuses fully on its core business, stainless steel flat products and ferrochrome. Outokumpu’s plate operations in Degerfors are not affected by the divestment.