Outokumpu is the only stainless steel producer who has a fully integrated production chain. It starts 500 meters underground in Kemi, Finland, where chrome is mined for all Outokumpu melt shops across the world. The company has a significant advantage because its ferrochrome smelter – the largest in the world – is located right next to melt shop in Tornio.
Stainless steel production includes melt shop, hot rolling as well as cold rolling. Depending on which production unit the steel has been produced at, end products, for instance, are coils, sheet, bar, wire, or plate.
Finishing touches to the stainless steel is made at the service centers near customers who will turn it, for example, into skyscrapers, spoons, or valves - the sky is the limit! Take a look for yourself and watch our stainless production video in under 8 minutes!