Looking for digital solutions

Juha-Matti Pesonen

Research and development manager in digitalization, Juha-Matti Pesonen, at the Outokumpu Tornio Research Center, ensures that company processes are kept up-to-date and current in today’s constantly changing world.

The Tornio Research Center serves all Outokumpu operations and the entire portfolio worldwide.

”We develop applications to support the whole Outokumpu Group. At the moment, our projects are mostly related to data sourcing and management, and the use of data. All process data also has to circulate smoothly between operations,” Juha-Matti Pesonen explains.

The biggest recent project relates to experimenting with artificial intelligence at the Outokumpu ferrochrome furnaces. Another large experiment involves testing cloud solutions. Sometimes it’s only a matter of learning to see things in a fresh way and with a new perspective.

”Simple things, such as an automated data search may facilitate processes in a significant way. Our task at the R&D center is twofold: First, we actively look for solutions to improve daily tasks and processes, and second, we prepare for future situations.”

Juha-Matti’s team of three experts cooperates with all Outokumpu operations and external suppliers. Other cooperation partners include universities and VTT, the Technical Research Centre of Finland.

”My work is really wide-ranging and I deal with many new aspects all the time. I greatly enjoy our large networks of experts and the fact that I can work with highly interesting matters that are new to everyone.”


A career path with many twists and turns

Juha-Matti has a Master’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Oulu. He started his career in wind power, but applied for a job closer to his home in Tornio in 2010.

”I was hired as a maintenance engineer but even before I started, I was asked whether I’d like to take up another job as a development engineer in operational business excellence. I took that challenge because it sounded more interesting. After 18 months, I moved on to the Research Center as a quality development engineer. I stayed there for some four years, including one year at the Outokumpu Calvert mill in Alabama, USA.”

Lappish-born Juha-Matti really enjoys working with his colleagues from the Sea Lapland region.

”I get along very well with everyone, and things move forward. I’m proud to work at one of the biggest producers of stainless steel in the world.”

Biography: Manager R&D, Digitalization, Juha-Matti Pesonen, does not stand still even in his spare time. He enjoys disc golf, cycling, soccer, fishing, hiking, elk hunting and working in his backyard. During the winter, he enjoys cross-country and downhill skiing and swimming, often with his family. He’s also interested in the latest innovations in science and technology – and good movies.

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