Outokumpu Connect - First mills are now online
Online sales records in 3 consecutive months
Since the Go-live in December 2022 the share of our Outokumpu Connect online business has developed very satisfactory. The last 3 months before the summer break in August have even been extraordinary. Our customers helped us set a new monthly order intake record in May and even repeated this in June and July. Close to 1.000 customers have logged in since – many of them even daily. It is particularly delighting to see the amount of spot cross-buying of our customers, i.e. customers purchasing material from Service Centers they have never purchased from before. Also, the results of our Customer Satisfaction Survey and the online Experience Feedback is more than promising. It is very rewarding for us to see that something like E-Commerce can also work in a more traditional B2B industry like Stainless Steel.
First mills are now online
We are very pleased to announce today phase 3 of our Outokumpu Connect expansion. Phase 1 in December 2022 was the integration of our Service Centers Castelleone (ITA) and Sheffield (UK). In October 2023, we continued with phase 2, which consisted of expanding Outokumpu Connect to our Service Centers Dąbrowa Górnicza (POL), Alfortville (FRA) and Sachsenheim (GER). In June of this year, we finally integrated the first mills into our customer portal. Since then, we can enable you to manage your Krefeld (GER), Dillenburg (GER) and Avesta (SWE) contract deliveries via Outokumpu Connect.
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