Business area Ferrochrome

Outokumpu operates the only chrome mine in the EU. We have the unique access to an essential raw material in the production of stainless steel, as chrome makes steel stainless.

Ferrochrome is an integral part of Outokumpu’s operations, and supported by our Kemi mine, it is a clear competitive advantage to us. Our Ferrochrome business area runs the chrome mine in Kemi and ferrochrome smelter in nearby Tornio, Finland.
Ultimo aggiornamento pagina: 05.03.2025

The primary product for the Ferrochrome business area is the charge grade of ferrochrome. Majority of the ferrochrome produced is consumed internally by our own mills, but some of it is sold to other producers outside the company. The proximity of the ferrochrome works to our stainless steel production facility in Tornio allows the ferrochrome to be transferred in liquid form, resulting in considerable cost savings in both energy and logistics. Our ferrochrome has a low carbon footprint, 67% smaller than the industry average. 

Net sales EUR 468 million last year

Ferrochrome accounted for 3% of Outokumpu's net sales in 2024 and made an adjusted EBITDA of EUR 106 million. 

Chrome makes steel stainless

We produced 374 000 tonnes of ferrochrome last year. Most of it we use in our own stainless steel production.

The world's most sustainable ferrochrome 

At the core of business area Ferrochrome’s strategy is carbon neutrality. The carbon footprint of our ferrochrome is 67% smaller than the industry average. 

One third of carbon neutrality target achieved

We areadvancing our commitment to achieve carbonneutrality at our Kemi mine by the end of 2025. Following the 2023 transition to renewable fuels, several innovative projects were launched in 2024.

Carbon neutral Kemi mine by 2025

Outokumpu has established a roadmap to achieve carbon neutrality at its Kemi chrome mine by 2025. The roadmap includes several initiatives that will decrease the mine’s emissions towards zero. Carbon neutrality of the Kemi mine is an important step in achieving Outokumpu’s ambitious science-based climate targets.

We have taken significant steps towards the carbon neutrality of our Kemi mine, where one third of the target was achieved by replacing fossil fuels with renewable solutions. Besides biofuels, the two other main factors to reach carbon neutrality at the Kemi mine are the utilization of carbon free electricity, using biofuels in transportation and machinery as well as replacing natural gas and propane gas with biogas in heating. Mining machinery electrification will also be extended to reduce the need for fuels. 

Several innovative projects were launched in 2024, including a partnership with Betolar Oyj to develop a low-carbon shotcrete alternative, further cutting emissions across the mine’s value chain. The ongoing transition to the sub-level caving mining method has also delivered significant cost savings, enhancing operational efficiency. Additional green premiums were secured, reinforcing Outokumpu’s strong position in producing sustainable European ferrochrome.



280 million euro investment in deepening the Kemi mine

We have completed the significant project deepening the Kemi underground mine from 500 meters to 1,000 meters. This will ensure a continuous supply of low-carbon chrome, a key raw material in stainless steel, for decades to come. The mineral resources in the new depth are more than 90 million tonnes, and seismic measurements indicate that mineralization continues even further downwards. Our ferrochrome production will account for approximately 5% of global capacity, and by production costs we are among the top 10 ferrochrome smelters. 

Our Ferrochrome operations

Our Ferrochrome operations include the Kemi mine and ferrochrome smelter in nearby Tornio. 

Kemi Mine, Finland
Tornio, Finland – Ferrochrome