
Sustainable stainless steel seamlessly combines high quality, durability, and a superior finish to elevate the culinary experience

Stainless steel — the timeless backbone of kitchens around the world

Stainless steel has stood as a steadfast cornerstone in the ever-evolving cooking industry, firmly establishing itself as an integral part of the culinary experience. Combining the best of form, functionality, and sustainability, stainless steel has been an unwavering presence that has been transforming kitchens for a century.

Stainless steel offers high durability, strength, aesthetics, and reliability, making it the preferred choice for various cooking essentials, including pots, pans, cutlery, grills, BBQ equipment, and knives. It is hygienic, easy to clean, and offers a high surface quality standard that meets rigorous demands.

Stay ahead of the curve with Outokumpu as your trusted partner. Unlock the benefits of cost-efficient, high-quality products, extensive technical expertise, and dedicated support in your sustainability journey.

Circle Green: The future of sustainable cooking is already here

With sustainability taking centrestage, the recipe for a greener future is clear —  increase the use of recycled materials, and reduce your CO2 levels. Outokumpu Circle Green is the world’s first towards-zero carbon stainless steel that is revolutionizing the world of cooking.
Circle Green sets a new benchmark for sustainability with a carbon footprint that is 93% lower than the industry average. When you harness the world's most sustainable stainless, you get an opportunity to reduce your carbon footprint, bring green value to your products, redefine possibilities, and lead the way in your industry.

Have questions about Circle Green? Here are all the answers!

Earth Day special edition

ZWILLING PRO - EARTH DAY SPECIAL EDITION 2024 is here! Only 1,000 block sets available, made with Outokumpu Circle Green®, the world's first toward-zero stainless steel in cooperation with STAHL KREBS. Handles made from FSC®-certified Kotibé wood.

Read more about our collaboration

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Sleek, resilient and versatile — stainless steel tailored for every application

When it comes to creating superior and longlasting kitchen essentials, stainless steel stands out as a top choice. The versatility of stainless steel extends from essential applications to premium products that set industry benchmarks, ensuring a wide range of uses across the culinary landscape.

Outokumpu stainless steel grades for cooking:

Product Range Properties Applications
Core Contains 15 austenitic and ferritic stainless steel grades for mild to medium corrosive environments. Can be used in a wide range of applications supported by a broad selection of surface finishes.
  • Pots
  • Pans
  • Cutleries
  • Grills
Dura Contains 14 martensitic and precipitation-hardening stainless steel products designed for applications that demand a high level of surface hardness, high strength and wear resistance attributes.
  • Knives

Circle Green

Sustainable beyond anything else.

Stand out from the crowd. With Circle Green your appliances are not only the best in quality but the best for the planet too.

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Top benefits of choosing Outokumpu stainless steel for cooking

Strong, sustainable and highly formable
Fully compliant with safety regulations
Hygienic, easy to clean and maintain
Reliable partner with high technical expertise
Does not discolor or alter the taste of food
Sleek and high quality surface finish

Empfohlene Produkte

Kaltgewalzte Coils, Bänder und Bleche
Warmgewalztes Coil, Spaltband und Blech
Outokumpu Circle Green


Environmental product declaration - Cold rolled
Environmental product declaration - Hot rolled
BRE – Certified environmental product declaration (EPD) – Stainless steel reinforcing bar – Outokumpu Sheffield
Safety information sheet for stainless steel in Europe
RoHS 2018
A selection of Stainless steel complying with BASTA and BVB

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