Outokumpu as an investment

Creating value through sustainability, cost competitiveness, and value-added growth 

Page last updated: 10.03.2025

Our business is based on circular economy and our most important raw material is recycled steel. Stainless steel is 100% recyclable, efficient and strong material, designed to last. Global megatrends support the growing demand for stainless steel – as a world leader in sustainable stainless steel production, we aim to capture our fair share of this growth.

Why invest in Outokumpu?

Stainless steel is a healthy market

Stainless steel is a light, strong and endlessly recyclable material for the increasing needs of the modern world.

Well-defined, three-phase strategy

We focus on strengthening the core by maximizing value from sustainability, cost and market leadership.

Improved financial and risk profile

We have improved profit generation, strong balance sheet and enhanced downturn resilience.

Industry leader in sustainability

We are the only stainless steel company with an approved 1.5C Science Based Target.

Market and cost leader in stainless sector

We are well positioned as the market leader in advanced products and cost leader in high-volume products.

Stable shareholder returns

We are back to returning cash to shareholders via stable and growing dividend.

Outokumpu in brief

Outokumpu's business is dived in to three business areas, Europe, Americas and Ferrochrome. BA Europe and BA Americas include both coil and plate stainless steel operations in their market area, while BA Ferrochrome focuses on the chrome mine and ferrochrome operations. Our biggest business area is Europe, covering around 68% of Outokumpu sales. In Europe we are the market leader with approximately 33% market share and in the US the second biggest with market share approximately 21%. Our Kemi mine and our ferrochrome production in Tornio, Finland, are an integral part of our operations and a clear competitive advantage to us. 

Find out more about Outokumpu as a company

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Strategy and targets

We are now on the second phase of the three-phase strategy with the aim of strengthening the core. We will continue our strong emphasis on sustainability to further improve our position as the sustainability leader in the stainless steel sector. We have also updated our financial targets for the second phase to reflect capital allocation priorities. The focus will be increasingly on strong shareholder returns.

Responsible investment

Outokumpu is world leader in sustainable stainless steel production and we have ambitious targets to further reduce our carbon footprint. As material stainless steel is 100% recyclable and we use more than 90% recycled material in our stainless steel production.

Outlook and risks

Outokumpu gives quarterly outlook and reviews short-term risks and uncertainties in its interim reports.

Operating environment and megatrends

Stainless steel is the fastest growing metal: it is in many ways the perfect answer to the increasing need of long-lasting and sustainable solutions for the world’s most critical challenges. Global megatrends – such as urbanization, mobility, economic and population growth, and climate change – are the main growth drivers for the stainless steel industry.

Business areas

Get to know our business areas Europe, Americas and Ferrochrome! Our business areas are also our reporting segments, and they are represented in our management team.

CEO's review

Outokumpu publishes CEO Kati ter Horst's review each quarter in connection with its interim report.

Looking for these?

Reports and presentations
Financial calendar
Fact sheet