Fees of the Board of Directors

Outokumpu's Board members are compensated for their time, commitment, knowledge and required experience for contributing to the long-term financial performance and success of the company.
Page last updated: 06 Mar 2025

Outokumpu’s Board members are compensated for their time, commitment, knowledge, and required experience for contributing to the long-term financial performance and success of the company. In 2024, the composition of the Board remained unchanged except for Kati ter Horst who left the Board on September 30, upon her becoming President and CEO of Outokumpu. Observing general market trends and in accordance with the proposal by the Nomination Board, the Annual General Meeting 2024 decided to increase the remuneration of the Board of Directors as presented in the table below.

SET fees of the Board of Directors
   2024  2023
 Position Annual remuneration, EUR   Meeting fee, EUR/meeting Annual remuneration, EUR  Meeting fee, EUR/meeting
Chairman of the Board 180,000  800/1,600* 174,000  800/1,600*
Vice Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the Audit Committee 96,500  800/1,600*  93,500  800/1,600*
Board members 75,000  800/1,600* 72,500

*) 1,200/1,600 euros per meeting for a meeting held outside a country of residence. 

40% of the annual remuneration is paid in the company’s own shares using treasury shares or shares to be purchased from the market at a price formed in public trading and in accordance with the applicable insider regulations.

If a Board member, on the date of the Annual General Meeting, owns shares of the company, which based on the closing price of that day represent a value exceeding the annual remuneration, he or she can opt to receive the remuneration in cash.

The annual fee is paid once a year, and in addition to the annual remuneration, all the members of the Board of Directors are paid a fee for each meeting they attend. The members of the Board are not entitled to any other share-based rewards. The Board members are not eligible for any pension schemes.

Board member


Kari Jordan, Chairman 180,000 22,640 202,640
Kati ter Horst,Vice Chairman2)
96,500 24,000 120,500
Heinz Jörg Fuhrmann, Member 30,446 44,554 28,800 103,800
Päivi Luostarinen, Member 30,446 44,554 16,800 91,800
Jyrki Mäki-Kala, Member and Chairman of the Audit Committee 39,179  57,321   16,800 113,300 
Petter Söderström, Member 30,446 44,554 16,800 91,800
Pierre Vareille, Member 30,446 44,554
32,000 107,000
Julia Woodhouse, Member 30,446 44,554 42,0003) 117,000
Total 191,409 556,591 199,840 947,840

 1) Meeting fees are entered in the table on the year when they are paid and include committee meeting fees.
2) Vice Chairman until September 30, 2024.
3) Meeting fees include EUR 14,000 meeting fees for the ESG (environmental, social and governance) Board.


Board member Share portion Cash portion Meeting fees1) Total
Kari Jordan, Chairman 0 174,000 18,886 192,886
Kati ter Horst, Vice Chairman 0 93,500 26,750 120,250
Heinz Jörg Fuhrmann, Member 29,458 43,042 21,843 94,343
Päivi Luostarinen, Member 29,458 43,042 20,625 93,125
Jyrki Mäki-Kala, Member and Chairman of the Audit Committee, as of March 30, 2023 37,996 55,504 12,800 106,300
Petter Söderström, Member  29,458 43,042 19,202   91,700
Vesa-Pekka Takala, Member until March 30, 2023 0 0
7,614 7,614
Pierre Vareille, Member 29,458 43,042 25,338 97,838
Julia Woodhouse, Member 29,458
43,042 40,9432) 113,443
Total 185,286
538,214 194,001

1) Meeting fees have been entered in the table on the year when they have been paid and include committee meeting fees.
2) Meeting fees include 10,500 € meeting fees of the ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) Advisory Council.


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Find out more on the members of the Board of Directors, their tasks and committees as well as shareholding.

Members of the Board of Directors
Tasks and committees of the Board
Management's shareholding