Take the fast lane to the forefront with stainless steel

Automotive designer's guide

As the automotive industry continues to evolve, the role of material choices and development becomes increasingly significant. The drive for sustainability is prompting the industry to develop cleaner, greener and safer vehicles. This calls for innovative design and materials that combine strength, durability, low carbon footprint and circularity. That is where stainless steel is set to play a major role.


Should I incorporate Outokumpu stainless steel in my vehicle design?

  • If you need a versatile and flexible material that can be processed to form automotive parts in various shapes, sizes, and rigidness, yes.
  • If you want to utilize a material that enables unparalleled crash and fire safety, yes.
  • If you wish to be at the forefront of sustainable automotive manufacturing and communicate transparently with certified sustainability performance, yes.
  • If you are looking to use less material for a stronger structural outcome while achieving cost savings at the same time, yes.

In this guide we will explore the many ways to incorporate sustainable, versatile and durable Outokumpu stainless steel in a variety of vehicle designs. Then we will take a closer look into the properties of stainless steel compared to aluminum and carbon steel and discuss the business benefits of sustainable stainless steel in the automotive industry. Next, we will answer some of the most important frequently asked questions on the topic. Finally, we offer a complete buyer’s checklist and other support for purchasing sustainable stainless steel.


  1. Why stainless steel?
  2. Examples of versatile applications for modern stainless steel
  3. Stainless steel VS aluminum and carbon steel
  4. Unlock the business benefits of sustainable stainless steel
  5. FAQ: Insights from experts and production
  6. Your checklist for buying sustainable stainless steel

Join us in igniting the engineering spark and driving towards a world that lasts forever.


Take the fast lane to the forefront of automotive manufacturing with stainless steel

In this guide we will drive through the key information on how to make the most of sustainable stainless steel in automotive design and manufacturing.
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