Services we offer
Coil Service Center
- Cut-to-length
- Slitting
- Polishing
- Blanking
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OverviewBusiness area Europe, coil service center
Coil Service Center
Outokumpu S.r.l.
Via Fustagno 21, 26012, Castelleone, Italy
Phone: +39 0374 357311
VAT: IT 00718730153
Three cut-to-length lines, two slitting lines and four polishing lines (including two coil-to-coil brushing lines and two sheet polishing lines) comprise the coil service center that generates more than 90,000 tonnes of products annually.
Polished and brushed surface finishes are a specialty area at Castelleone. An advanced solution uses elastic cork particles to produce Scotch Brite finishes on sheets up to 12 mm thick. Effectively cushioning the grinding process, cork also delivers superior uniformity while eliminating stripes and other marks across the width and length of the coil. The result: flawless surfaces essential in the domestic appliance and catering industries.
Castelleone enjoys a unique competitive advantage through its offering of special products from the Outokumpu Pro Family. Duplex and other high strength stainless steels from the Forta range – available only through Outokumpu – are especially popular in the chemical and tank industries.
Outokumpu S.r.l. has implemented the Organization, Management and Control Model in compliance with the requirements of 231/2001 Italian law. The Model and the Ethic Code, that is essential part of the Model, are the reference point for all Outokumpu S.r.l. activities, which shall be carried out according to the law, honestly, with integrity and good faith, respecting the rights of third parties, employees, shareholders and partners.
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