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Pedestrian bridges of stainless steel


Stainless steel can offer various benefits for pedestrian bridges. What are the key drivers favoring the material? Our guest speaker Juan A. Sobrino from Pedelta and our bridge expert Andy Backhouse share their views.

Design standards and sustainability in structural engineering


<p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span>Do you know the latest stainless steel design standards? Learn the recent updates with US and Eurocode design standards and discover the new opportunities of sustainable stainless steel in bridge design. span>p>

Economic drivers for selecting stainless steel


A stainless steel bridge has lower lifecycle costs than other materials. Do you know the economic drivers favoring stainless steel? Get insights from our guest speaker Stefan Uppenberg from WSP Group and our bridge expert Andy Backhouse.

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How to design safer and lighter busses while staying cost competitive


Like the rest of the automotive industry, bus manufacturing is going through changes and experimenting with new materials. What kind of benefits can stainless steel bring to modern bus designs? Our Lead Technical Manager Barbara Mundt presents some examples.