Outokumpu is rated by several corporate responsibility indexes. Being rated by these research companies is a recognition of the fact that Outokumpu has succeeded in fulfilling certain criteria of having responsible operations. On the other hand, the independent indexes offer the chance to see which areas of corporate responsibility still have room for improvement.

Outokumpu is among the best-performing steel companies in the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) by S&P Global – the leading global benchmark in the growing field of Sustainability Investing and Corporate Sustainability. Outokumpu is also included in Sustainability Yearbook 2024.

Outokumpu has also been included in the Corporate Knight's list of Clean200 – reaching the highest place in the stainless steel industry and second among the Finnish companies. The ranking rates companies capturing the green transition in full flight, cataloguing the publicly traded companies that are leading clean economy solutions and earning the most from sustainable sources.  

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