Outokumpu Corrosion Academy

On-demand video series

Explore the world of corrosion with Outokumpu

This is Corrosion Academy. Dive into the realm of stainless steel and corrosion with our team of technical experts. These online lectures are designed to provide technical knowledge, valuable insights, and practical tips regarding corrosion challenges across various industries. 

Stainless steel is renowned for its exceptional resistance to corrosion, making it a preferred choice for a wide range of applications in various industries.

Corrosion Academy Video Series

Duplex stainless steel in marine structures
In this Corrosion Academy video, Saman Hosseinpour, Corrosion Team Lead at Outokumpu Research and Development in Krefeld, discusses the use of duplex stainless steel in marine structures.
Saman Hosseinpour R&D Team Lead, Corrosion at Outokumpu
Stainless steel in hydrometallurgical processes
In this Corrosion Academy lecture Mikko Palosaari, senior application development manager in the process industry team, presents stainless steel selection principles for hydrometallurgical processes.
Mikko Palosaari Senior Application Development Manager
Corrosion Solutions for Pulp and Paper Processes
In this on-demand lecture, Marie Minola reviews key considerations of corrosion in the pulp and paper industry. 
Marie Minola R&D Engineer - Corrosion
High temperature oxidation
In this Corrosion Academy episode, Cauê Corrêa da Silva, R&D Engineer Corrosion, and Melissa Oum, R&D Engineer Design & Fabrication, discuss high temperature corrosion. 
Cauê Corrêa da Silva R&D Engineer, Corrosion
Melissa Oum R&D Engineer, Design & Fabrication
Atmospheric Corrosion and Applications
In this video, Saman Hosseinpour and Sukanya Hägg Mameng will present the topic of atmospheric corrosion of stainless steel and its applications. 
Saman Hosseinpour R&D Team Lead, Corrosion at Outokumpu
Sukanya Hägg Mameng Senior R&D Engineer
Stress Corrosion Cracking
Marie Minola, Corrosion Engineer, discusses stress corrosion cracking of stainless steel.
Marie Minola R&D Engineer - Corrosion

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