The external ESG Advisory Council to the CEO will support Outokumpu in our continuous improvement in sustainability work. The council’s role is to challenge and comment the Outokumpu's sustainability strategy, roadmap development and actions as well as facilitate dialogue and exchange of views between Outokumpu and its stakeholders.
The ESG Advisory Council is a valuable forum that brings an external holistic view to our continuous sustainability development. Its expertise will also promote Outokumpu’s aim to set the industry benchmark in sustainability, as well as supporting our efforts in balancing business needs with sustainability goals.
The council has discussed topics such as decarbonization, Circle Green and other commercial initiatives, supply chain sustainability and human rights as well as Outokumpu’s ResponsibleSteel certification process.
Outokumpu's external ESG advisory council members are as follows:
- Antoine Allanore, Professor of Metallurgy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Sirpa Juutinen, Independent Sustainability Advisor
- Julia Woodhouse, Board member, member of the Audit Committee, Outokumpu