All Outokumpu Group companies' sale of stainless steel products is subject to the terms & conditions of sale below. Any additional, conflicting or deviating conditions of purchase or other reservations made by the buyer in its order, shall not be effective nor binding for Outokumpu unless expressly accepted in writing.

Terms and conditions of sale

Conditions of Sale (English) 2024-03-01
Verkaufsbedingungen (German) 2024-03-01
Conditions Générales de vente (French) 2024-03-01
Condizioni di vendita (Italian) 2024-03-01
Condiciones de Venta (Spanish) 2024-03-01
Warunki Sprzedaży (Polish) 2024-03-01
Értékesítési feltételek (Hungarian) 2024-03-01
中文銷售條件 (Chinese) 2024-03-01
Conditions of Sale Americas 25.02.2025 (English)
Politica de ventas Américas (en Español) 25.02.2025 (Spanish)
Outokumpu Americas Claims Policy
Política de reclamaciones Outokumpu (Spanish)